Friday, September 23, 2011

The Story of Chanel Bag

A easy girl Coco, leaning aboard talent and self-educated diligence, growing generation of women form speaker. In the process of growing up with of sorts Nairobi son Xiao men meet at accident, apt help her comprehend costly odd fashionable surround, she with the notable musician Stravinsky's adore, too be the final century of a much-told anecdote. The prevailing forerunner Chanel "along to Edmond Charles - Roux writing Chanel memoir" terrible "(L 'Irregular) accustomed at French manager Anne fang was directed, Chanel company's masterly director Karl Lagerfeld ambition serve for the film's clothing adviser. Emphasis describing Chanel people biography, tells her teenage fashion dew sharpness until the time of position.

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GABRIELLE BONHEUR CHANEL originally captioned ", at the age of 6 mommy dead, dad give her aunt rising, childhood enter reads the priory educate, and in learned firsthand needle capabilities. In 22 years antique, she became coffeehouse singer and played a stage name ", "because she was COCO preference melody to sing there are two first, respectively is" Qui Qua vu COCO "and" Ko - Ko - Ri ", which have "COCO". In this paragraph of Gem career, has made two regulars and convert their valentine, a young British industrialist, dissimilar label is rich officer. Make dignitaries, and make her have economic aptitude to open my own shop.

In fact immediately the big peppery, overcoat by that time have rudiment. Chanel life not married, "New York journal created word behind several performances is used to describe her FOREVER this status. She pursued emancipation be sentimentally spliced to a man, Strong neutral also have each matron flavor. She established magnificent fashionable dynasty to chase my own absence life itself is the best sample women independent life,The History of Little Black Dress, she natty and good-looking, understand, so that life and flirt Sagging likened with alike defender son. The struggle childhood of Chanel The movie tells fashion romance coco Chanel early skirmish history, key portrayed her, until residing in teenage fashion exhibited this period of situation.

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He namely guaranteed to Arthur card, a polo actor and a young businessman. Chanel believed namely "he no merely handsome and quite agreeable," she had even in said many periods, this is her life only love of man. However, Chanel doesn't satisfy sleepy housekeeper life, in your lover's aid, she began her career. Legend is prologue.

The two men, not only was her career funders and also her inspiration MUSES. She and industrialists Bowie, Keppel and Westminster duke of deep relationship, also give her inspired countless ingenious inspiration. She said: "I loved anything, always in the sea of pale." From Scotland cashmere sweaters, chips from Westminster duke sail sailor dressing stripe jerseys, beret, aureate buttons such units entire entirely thick British color. She and Westminster duke attach outing influenced her to design the 1st paragraph tweed material suits. "A tiny sordid, has dissected" is Westminster duke of wearing philosophy, two toll in mutual life, duke peerless wearing grade bring her a brand-new devise inspiration. She often trick to masculine friends clothes secretly take, then will they redesigned disguise, valentine gift and precious and cheap jewelry inlaid together.

Chanel childhood very young mother's death is unfortunate, she has been sojourn in the orphanage. Until she was to work to Paris and globe, 25 years old when she met first sweetheart "titan • bah mulberry, a keen on riding medium marquis, and bah mulberry live together, Chanel also became a beautiful petticoat jockey. In 1910, Chanel, and a young British people encounter, and love each additional.

About CHANEL, folk have perpetual yearning. But for maximum human, the true touch only comes from CHANEL KARL right, to fashion Emperor CHANEL itself understood fewer. It was a legendary good time Compared with the most hundred years old are "in the beginning of the XX century, southern France town has a cobbler..." . CHANEL birth also appears very legend, she was nativity in France Auvergne 1883.

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